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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 427
Main Index

Issue 1, Pages 1-139 (7 April 1992)

Novel organometallic charge transfer salts derived from electron-rich diruthenium species and the electron-acceptor ligands 7,7,8,8-tetracyano-p-quinodimethane and tetracyanoethylene and containing the radical anions of these ligands in both the inner and the outer coordination spheres
Pages C1-C5
Sharon E. Bell, John S. Field, Raymond J. Haines, Jörg Sundermeyer
Author index
Page C7
Silicon-based polymer science. A comprehensive resource : J.M. Zeigler and F.W.G. Fearon (Eds.), American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1989, xxii + 801 pages. US$ 129.95. ISBN 0-8412-1546-4
Page C6
Colin Eaborn
Some observations on the pyrolysis of methyllithium
Pages 1-7
J. R. BaranJr., R. J. Lagow
Structure and dynamics of hindered organosilicon compounds. The conformations of symmetrical (Me3Si)3C and (PhMe2Si)3C derivatives
Pages 9-21
Anthony G. Avent, Simon G. Bott, John A. Ladd, Paul D. Lickiss, Alan Pidcock
Tetra-p-tolyl-verbindungen p-Tol4Si und p-Tol4Ge: Ein beitrag zur konfiguration der tetraaryl-methan-analoga Ar4M (M = C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb)
Pages 23-31
Michael Charissé, Stefan Roller, Martin Dräger
Molekülstruktur und ladungsverteilung in metallorganischen verbindungen der 4f- und 5f-Elemente : II. Dielektrische untersuchungen an metallorganischen komplexen der 4f- und Übergangselemente mit C3v-und D3h-Molekülsymmetrie
Pages 33-38
Ralph Maier, B. Kanellakopulos, Christos Apostolidis
Strukturen von [Me4Sb]2[MeSbI4]MeSbI2, und [Me4Sb]I. Darstellung von Me3Sb · MeSbI2 und farbwechsel bei Me4Sb2 · Me2SbBr
Pages 39-48
Hans Joachim Breunig, Klaus H. Ebert, Sabahittin Gülec, Martin Dräger, D. Bryan Sowerby and, Michael J. Begley, Ulrich Behrens
Direct proof of the molecular structure of dimeric titanocene; The X-ray structure of μ(η55-fulvalene)-di-(μ-hydrido)-bis(η5-cyclopentadienyltitanium)· 1.5 benzene
Pages 49-55
Sergei I. Troyanov, Helena Antropiusová, Karel Mach
Synthese und strukturelle charakterisierung von bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienylmolybdän-μ-sulfido)-komplexen mit μ,η1-SSR-liganden
Pages 57-62
Henri Brunner, Roland Graßl, Joachim Wachter, Bernd Nuber and, Manfred L. Ziegler
Kinetische und mechanistische untersuchungen von übergangsmetall-komplex-reaktionen : XXVI. Kinetische untersuchungen zur cyclopropanierung von olefinen mit benzyliden(pentacarbonyl)wolfram-komplexen
Pages 63-75
Helmut Fischer, Elvira Mauz, Monika Jaeger, Roland Fischer
ansa-Carben-komplexe durch insertion/cyclisierung aus kationischen carbin-komplexen und cyanamiden
Pages 77-90
Helmut Fischer, Carsten Troll
Synthesis and reactivity of germyliron complexes [Ph2HGeFe(η5-C5H5)(CO)2] and [RH2GeFe(η5-C5H5)(CO)2] (R = Ph or 2,4,6-Me3C6H2)
Pages 91-99
A. Castel, P. Rivière, M. Ahbala, J. Satgé, M. Soufiaoui, N. Knouzi
The effect of interannular bridge on electron-transfer rate in mixed-valence biferrocenium triiodide salts
Pages 101-110
Teng-Yuan Dong, Ting-Yu Lee, Hsiu-Mei Lin
Synthesis and structure of binuclear thioazobenzene pallada-cycles and their reaction with m-chloroperbenzoic acid: Formation and structure of dinuclear azophenolates
Pages 111-123
Surajit Chattopadhyay, Chittaranjan Sinha, Suranjan Bhanja Choudhury, Animesh Chakravorty
Metal-ion dependent reactivity of 2-(2′-thienyl)pyridine (Hthpy)
Pages 125-139
Edwin C. Constable, Lynn R. Sousa

Issue 2, Pages 141-274 (14 April 1992)

Reaktionen von nitrosylkomplexen : XI. Überführung von μ-NO- in μ-NH2-liganden durch katalytische hydrierung am beispiel von [Cp′Co(μ-NO)]2 sowie von [CpCr(μ-NO)NO]2
Pages C15-C18
Jörn Müller, Ilona Sonn, Martin Strampfer
Author index
Page C20
Synthese und kristallstrukturanalyse von alkinylcarbenkomplexverbrückten dicobalthexacarbonylkomplexen
Pages C9-C14
Anette Wienand, Hans-Ulrich Reissig, Helmut Fischer, Dietmar Pflumm, Carsten Troll
Inorganic polymers : By J.E. Mark, H.R. Allcock and R. West, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs (NJ), xiv + 272 pages, £55.65. ISBN 0-13-465881-7
Page C19
Colin Eaborn
Synthesis and crystal structure of the tris(cyclopentadienyl)phenyl complex of neodymium, (Li·3DME)[(η5-C5H5)3NdC6H5]
Pages 141-149
Hanrong Gao, Qi Shen, Jingyu Hu, Sunchun Jin, Yonghua Lin
Die reaktion des tri(isobutyl)alans mit kalium—eine Neuuntersuchung; kristallstruktur des kalium[tetra(isobutyl)alanats]
Pages 151-160
Werner Uhl, Jürgen Wagner
The behaviour of medium-sized permethylated cyclosilanes towards SOCl2 and SOCl2-HC(OCH3)3
Pages 161-164
P. K. Jenkner, A. Spielberger, E. Hengge
Platinum catalysed hydrosilylation of alkynes: Comparison of rates of addition of terminal olefins to internal alkynes
Pages 165-172
Larry N. Lewis, Karen G. Sy, Paul E. Donahue
Übergangsmetall-silyl-komplexe : XLII. Einfluβ des phosphan-liganden auf bildung, struktur und stabilität der hetero-zweikernkomplexe (CO)3(R′3P)(R3Si)Fe—MLn (M = Cu, Ag, Au, Hg)
Pages 173-192
Georg Reinhard, Brigitte Hirle, Ulrich Schubert
Crystal structure of [Rh(SnCl3)(norbornadiene)(dppp)]. A 1H NMR study of [Rh(SnCl3)(norbornadiene)(diphosphine)] complexes
Pages 193-200
María A. Garralda, Elena Pinilla, M. Angeles Monge
Substitution of the acetoxy groups of dialkoxymethylacetates by organometallic reagents: a route to allyl-, propargyl-, homoallyl-, homopropargyl- and α-stannylacetals
Pages 201-212
Isabelle Beaudet, Alain Duchêne, Jean-Luc Parrain, Jean-Paul Quintard
Neue selenreiche 1,3-Dichalkogenol-2-selone via 4,5-Dilithio-1,3-dichalkogenol-2-selone
Pages 213-230
Helmut Poleschner, Reiner Radeglia, Joachim Fuchs
Di(tertiobutylcyclopentadienyl)zircona[1]ferrocenophane precurseur de zirconocenes disubstitués dissymetriquement
Pages 231-244
R. Broussier, A. Da Rold, B. Gautheron
ansa-Metallocene derivatives : XXV. Synthesis, crystal structure and reactions of a tetramethylethano-bridged vanadocene dichloride, (CH3)4C2(C5H4)2VCl2
Pages 245-255
Birgit Dorer, Josef Diebold, Oliver Weyand, Hans-Herbert Brintzinger
Syntheses of W(PhCtriple bond; length as m-dashCPh)31-PPh2CH2PPh2) and W(PhCtriple bond; length as m-dashCPh)3(PPh3) from W(PhCtriple bond; length as m-dashCPh)3(NCCH3)
Pages 257-262
Wen-Yann Yeh, Che-Sheng Ting, Chu-fang Chih
Fast-atom bombardment (FAB) mass spectra of coordination complexes: aggregation processes in the mass spectra of Group 11 alkynyl complexes
Pages 263-274
Michael I. Bruce, Michael J. Liddell

Issue 3, Pages 275-414 (21 April 1992)

Subject Index
Pages C46-C51
Studies on organolanthanide complexes : XLII. Synthesis of the unsolvated monomeric complexes (MeOCH2CH2C5H4)3Ln (Ln = La, Pr) and X-ray structure of (MeOCH2CH2C5H4)3Pr
Pages C29-C32
Changtao Qian, Bing Wang, Daoli Deng, Guang Wu and, Peiju Zheng
Frontiers of organosilicon chemistry : A.R. Bassindale and P.P. Gaspar (Eds.), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 1991, × + 410 pages. £52.50. ISBN 0-85186-097-4
Page C42
Colin Eaborn
Effect of ion-pairs on the stereochemistry of decarbonylation of acetyl iodide complexes of ruthenium: Evidence of anion catalysis in the CO insertion
Pages C37-C40
Gianfranco Bellachioma, Giuseppe Cardaci, Alceo Macchioni, Gustavo Reichenbach
Preparative polar organometallic chemistry, Vol. 2 : by L. Brandsma, Springer-Verlag, 1990, xii + 227 pages. DM. 86. ISBN 3-540-52749-4
Pages C42-C43
Basil J. Wakefield
The first examples of insertion of SnCl2 into the Mn---Cl and Re---Cl bonds of octahedral complexes: X-ray structure of [Mn(CO)3(SnCl3)(S2CPCy3)] · CH2Cl 2
Pages C33-C36
Bernardo Alvarez, Daniel Miguel, Julio A. Pérez-Martinez, Victor Riera, Santiago García-Granda
Author Index
Pages C44-C45
Planar tetracoordinate carbon stabilized in a dimetallic hafnium/aluminium compound: Formation and crystal structure of Cp2Hf[μ-η1 : η2-MeCC(C6H11)][μ-CC(C6H11)]A1Me 2
Pages C21-C25
Markus Albrecht, Gerhard Erker, Matthias Nolte and, Carl Krüger
The silicon-heteroatom bond : D.A. Armitage, R.J.P. Corriu, T.C. Kendrick, B. Parbhov, T.D. Tilley, J.W. White and J.C. Young, Wiley, Chichester, 1991. × + 529 pages. £90.00 ISBN 0-471-92904-2
Page C41
Colin Eaborn
Silicon-carbon unsaturated compounds : XXXIX. Photolysis of 3,4-benzo-1,1,2,2-tetraethyl-1,2-disilacyclobutene
Pages C26-C28
Hiromu Sakamoto, Mitsuo Ishikawa
1992 Gordon research conference on organometallic chemistry
Page C43
2,2′-Bipyridyl-bis[bis(trimethylsilyl)methyl]zink — synthese, spektroskopische charakterisierung und struktur
Pages 275-287
Matthias Westerhausen, Bernd Rademacher, Wolfgang Schwarz
Regioselectivity of inter- and intramolecular hydrosilylation of the vinyloxy group
Pages 289-292
M. G. Voronkov, S. V. Kirpichenko, V. V. Keiko, A. I. Albanov
The synthesis and properties of (CH2F)SiH3 and related monofluoromethylsilanes
Pages 293-308
H. Bürger, P. Moritz
The structure of (iBu3Sn)2CO3 and (Me3Sn)2CO3 in solution and in the solid state studied by 13C/119 Sn NMR spectros
Pages 309-323
Jörg Kümmerlen, Angelika Sebald, Hans Reuter
Réaction du bis(dicarbonyl η5-cyclopentadiénylmolbydène-(I)) avec l'octa-1,7-diyne. Réactivité du μ-octa-1, 7-diyne bis(dicarbonyl η5-cyclopentadiénylmolybdène(I)) vis-à-vis de réactifs spécifiques de la triple liaison carbone—carbone
Pages 325-333
N. Le Berre-Cosquer, R. Kergoat
The synthesis and substitution reactions of CpM(CO)2(μ-RCtriple bond; length as m-dashCR)Co(CO)3 (M = MO, W; R = COOEt, COOMe)
Pages 335-348
Cheryl-Ann Dickson, Neil J. Coville
Photochemical reactions of [(Ph3P)2ReH7] and [(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)ReH7]
Pages 349-353
Denise Baudry, Jean-Michel Cormier, Michel Ephritikhine
Structure and Mössbauer effect study of [Et4N]2[Fe2(CO)8]
Pages 355-362
Juanita M. Cassidy, Kenton H. Whitmire, Gary J. Long
Synthesis and reactivity of triruthenium carbonyl clusters containing bis(diphenylphosphino)methane and the face-bridging ligand 2-amido-6-methylpyridi
Pages 363-368
Pedro L. Andreu, Javier A. Cabeza, Jorge L. Cuyás, Víctor Riera
Synthesis, crystal structure and spectroelectrochemistry of [(C5Me5Ru)266-chrysene]2+(O3SCF3)2. Form RuII)-η6η6 -chrysene]O3SCF3
Pages 369-378
Ivonne Chavez, Margarita Otero, Enrique Román, Ulrich Müller
Übergangsmetall-Heteroallen-Komplexe : XXV. Reaktionen von Ketenimin mit Ru3(CO)12
Pages 379-393
Wolfram Ziegler, Ulrich Behrens
Nickelalactone als Synthesebausteine: Sonochemische und Bimetallaktivierung der Kreuzkopplungsreaktion mit Alkyl-halogeniden
Pages 395-407
Reinald Fischer, Dirk Walther, Gabriele Braunlich, Bernd Undeutsch, Werner Ludwig, Heinz Bandmann
Cyclopalladated complexes. Synthesis and crystal structure of di-μ-chloro-bis{[2,6-dimethyl-N-(benzylidene) phenylaminato-C2′, N]palladium(II)}
Pages 409-414
Alessandra Crispini, Giovanni De Munno, Mauro Ghedini, Francesco Neve